15 Email Preview Text Examples That Would Catch My Attention

Email preview text, often referred to as preheader text, plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and encouraging them to open the email. In this article, we will explore fifteen compelling email preview text examples that can enhance your email marketing efforts. Whether you’re looking to improve open rates, click-through rates, or overall engagement, these examples will provide you with the inspiration you need.

Email Preview Text: Why It Matters

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Email preview text is the snippet of text that follows the subject line when viewed in an inbox. It provides a sneak peek into the content of the email. This small piece of text can significantly impact whether the recipient will open the email or not. By crafting intriguing and engaging preview text, you can increase the chances of your email being opened and read.

The right preview text can engage, inform, and entice the reader. It should complement the subject line and provide additional context or curiosity. Think of it as a second chance to convince your audience that your email is worth their time. The more compelling the preview text, the higher the likelihood of your email being opened.

Elements of Great Email Preview Text

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Creating effective email preview text involves several key elements. First, it should be concise and to the point. Most email clients display only a limited number of characters. Therefore, it’s important to deliver your message quickly and succinctly.

Second, the preview text should provide value or create curiosity. It could hint at the content of the email, ask a compelling question, or offer a teaser. By doing so, it gives the recipient a reason to open the email and find out more.

Finally, it should align with the subject line and overall tone of the email. Consistency is key in maintaining trust and delivering a smooth reading experience. Mismatched or misleading preview text can disappoint the reader and harm your brand’s credibility.

Top 15 Email Preview Text Examples

Let’s explore some of the top email preview text examples that can help you boost your email open rates. These examples are crafted keeping in mind various marketing goals such as promotions, newsletters, and updates.

1. “Don’t miss our exclusive sale starting now!” – This text creates urgency and excitement around a limited-time offer.

2. “Your weekly summary is here. Find out what you missed.” – A teaser for newsletters, making the reader curious about the content.

3. “Get ready for our biggest event of the year!” – Builds anticipation for an upcoming event.

4. “Unlock your special discount – only for subscribers!” – Offers a sense of exclusivity and a direct benefit.

5. “Discover the secrets to success in our new guide.” – Promises valuable information that the reader may want.

6. “Last chance to join our webinar!” – Creates urgency with a deadline-driven message.

7. “Your feedback is important to us – share your thoughts!” – Engages the reader by valuing their opinion.

8. “Check out our latest product launches!” – Invites the reader to explore new offerings.

9. “Sneak peek: Upcoming trends in the industry.” – Offers insider information that could be valuable to the reader.

10. “Don’t let this opportunity slip away!” – Adds urgency and prompts immediate action.

11. “Here’s a treat just for you – open to find out more!” – Creates curiosity with a hint of a surprise.

12. “Your order has been shipped – track it now.” – Provides important information that the reader will want to check.

13. “Renew your subscription and stay updated!” – Encourages renewal with a straightforward call-to-action.

14. “We’ve updated our terms – here’s what you need to know.” – Indicates important updates that require the reader’s attention.

15. “Your exclusive invite inside – don’t miss out!” – Makes the reader feel special with an exclusive invitation.


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In conclusion, crafting effective email preview text is an essential component of successful email marketing. By incorporating elements of curiosity, value, and urgency, you can create compelling preview text that encourages recipients to open your emails. The examples provided in this article can serve as inspiration to enhance your own email campaigns. Remember, the goal is to make your email stand out in a crowded inbox and entice the reader to engage with your content.


What is email preview text?

Email preview text is the snippet of text that appears next to or below the subject line in an email inbox. It provides a brief preview of the email content and can influence whether the recipient decides to open the email.

How long should email preview text be?

Email preview text should generally be between 40-130 characters. This range ensures that most email clients will display the full preview text, increasing its effectiveness.

Can I use emojis in email preview text?

Yes, using emojis in email preview text can add a touch of personality and grab attention. However, it’s important to ensure that they are relevant to your message and audience.

How do I test the effectiveness of my email preview text?

To test the effectiveness of your email preview text, you can perform A/B testing. Send two versions of your email with different preview texts to see which one achieves higher open rates.

Should I always match the preview text with the email subject line?

The preview text should complement the subject line but doesn’t have to be an exact match. It can provide additional context or intrigue to encourage the recipient to open the email.

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